Solar energy in Cranbrook

How much energy can be generated by a solar farm near cranbrook?

Solar irradiation varies year after year and the actual yield depends on how the PV modules are mounted.  Fixed racks are simpler, trackers are more complex but may improve significantly the harvest of energy.

The following graph shows an assessment of solar energy DC output from PV modules installed on fixed racks and various types of tracking system. The simulation is based on 52 years of meteorological data from a weather station at the  Cranbrook airport. The output is measured in kWh dc produced by KW.dc installed.


Key Findings

A dual axis tracker system would produce 42% more energy than a fixed system while a single-axis tracker ( which is basically a 2-axis without the tilt device) will produce 37% more than fixed and only 4% less energy than the more expensive 2-axis tracker.
In average, a fixed system would produce 1,524 kWh/kW, a VAT system: 2,088 kWh/kW.
Being close to the Cranbrook airport, the proposed Fort Steele solar farm would have a similar output.